Child Protective Services

TO REPORT CHILD ABUSE/NEGLECT: If you believe that a child has been abused or neglected, please contact Licking County Job & Family Services. Reports may be made by calling our abuse and neglect hotline at 740.670.8888 or in person at 74 South Second Street, Newark, Ohio 43055, weekdays from 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. To make an emergency report after regular business hours, on weekends or holidays, please contact the Licking County Sheriff’s Office at 740.670.5500 and ask for the on-call social worker.

Any report shall contain:

  • The names and addresses of the child and the child’s parents or the person or persons having custody of the child, if known.

  • The child’s age and the nature and extent of the child’s known or suspected injuries, abuse, or neglect or of the known or suspected threat of injury, abuse, or neglect.

  • Any other information that might be helpful in establishing the cause of the known or suspected injury, abuse or neglect or of the known or suspected threat of injury, abuse, or neglect.

Children Services offers a wide range of social services coordinated and delivered on behalf of children who are at risk of abuse or neglect. Licking County JFS receives reports alleging abuse or neglect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Children who are under eighteen years of age or mentally or physically handicapped and under twenty-one years of age may receive protective services from Children Services.

Mandated Reporters

Any person who has reasonable belief that a child may be abused or neglected should report their concerns to Children Services. All reporters’ identities are confidential and are not released.

Some individuals are required by law to report suspicions of abuse or neglect. A mandated reporter is someone that is required to report suspected abuse or neglect. Some examples are an attorney; physician, including a hospital intern or resident; dentist; podiatrist; practitioner of a limited branch of medicine as specified in section 4731.15 of the Revised Code, registered nurse; licensed practical nurse; visiting nurse; other health care professional; licensed psychologist, licensed school psychologist, independent marriage and family therapist; speech pathologist or audiologist; coroner; administrator or employee of a certified child care agency or other public or private children services agency; school teacher; school employee; school authority; person engaged in social work or the practice of professional counseling; agent of county humane society, or a person rendering spiritual treatment through prayer in accordance with the tenets of a well recognized religion; superintendent, board member, or employee of a county board of mental retardation; investigative agent contracted with by a county board of mental retardation; or employee of the department mental retardation and developmental disabilities.

In accordance with ORC 2151.421, any person making a report in good faith is immune from any criminal or civil liability.


Plan of Safe Care

What is a Plan of Safe Care (POSC)?

A POSC is a voluntary support plan for individuals with substance misuse during pregnancy. The goal of a POSC is strengthening a family and keeping child(ren) safely at home. The POSC may prevent involvement with Children Services. A POSC provides resources that can support a pregnant individual during pregnancy and after birth. The POSC will be written with the help of one or more agencies involved in providing health care or other services to the individual or child(ren.)